
Colleges in Kenya refer to two or three year post secondary school institutions also termed colleges. They award certificates, diplomas and higher national diplomas in various disciplines after successful completion of relevant courses.

Colleges in Kenya provides all the information about private and public colleges in Kenya. Here you will be able to browse the colleges that are listed alphabetically.
A click on a particular college leads to the page where all information regarding the college is listed.

Here you will find the location of the college, postal contacts of the college, telephone contacts and the course that are offered by the college.

Colleges in Kenya offer certificate, diploma, higher diploma and in some instances are affiliated to local and international universities where they offer degree from those universities.

One of the preliquisites of joining a college in Kenya is having completed the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) or equivalent and having attained a mean grade of D- (E, the lowest grade is fail and one cannot proceed to college with a fail) or equivalent.

The cost of education at these colleges is relatively cheaper compared to university education and most of the colleges allow students to pay in school fees in installments.

Welcome to our website and feel free to contact us. Also if there is any information on a college you would like to share with us, write to us.

Thanks and welcome.